Ever wonder why we even call it the “nervous system”?
Well, the dictoray will tell us that it is just an -ous suffix on the end of a “nerve” root word; meaning that it pertains to the nerves. But we can do better than that. Here is another shot at it:
- (noun.) a whitish fibre or bundle of fibres in the body that transmits impulses of sensation to the brain or spinal cord, and impulses from these to the muscles and organs;
one’s steadiness and courage in a demanding situation;
impudence or audacity;
(informal) feelings of nervousness;
a prominent unbranched rib in a leaf, especially in the midrib of the leaf of a moss.
- (verb.) brace oneself mentally to face a demanding situation.
Yeah, they aren’t bad. I do like the audacity bit. But it is so counter… why not name it after the higher function… The Confidence System? It would be like calling a light a “shadow caster” instead of… a light.
My favorite definition for confidence
- (noun.)c. 1400, “assurance or belief in the good will, veracity, etc. of another,” from Old French confidence or directly from Latin confidentia, from confidentem (nominative confidens) “firmly trusting, bold,” present participle of confidere “to have full trust or reliance,” from assimilated form of com, here perhaps an intensive prefix (see com-), + fidere “to trust” (from PIE root *bheidh- “to trust, confide, persuade”).
- (noun.)From mid-15c. as “reliance on one’s own powers, resources, or circumstances, self-assurance.” Meaning “certainty of a proposition or assertion, sureness with regard to a fact” is from 1550s. Meaning “a secret, a private communication” is from 1590s. The connection with swindling (see con(adj.)) dates to mid-19c. and comes from the notion of the false “trustworthiness” which is the key to the game.
I like that much better to describe the nerves. It has nothing to do with being nervous, and everything to do with being confident. There is the additional twist that confidential means something kept secret, a private correspondence, much as the nerves do communicate in private with our spirit, not totally transparent to the world. If we were octopi, the way that we move would reveal what we think and feel, any other octopus would be able to read our minds just by looking at us because their whole bodies are as dense with nerves as our brain! so moving and feeling go hand in hand. There is some conjecture that the main purpose for the octopus ink cloud may be simply so they can form a private thought. But alas we are human beings, we have this mortal shell surrounding our innervated vessel that has gone too long under old world dictation that I believe we have far outdated. So, from now on, I am naming it the confidence system. Read on to find out why

What do the nerves even do?
The nerves essentially operate as a 2 way street: reading and writing code bridging the space between body and spirit. I’ll be more specific. the Nerves are reading and writing; essentially they can listen and they can command- electro-chemical language/code, both informing our spirit-mind about the world around us and commanding our body-avatar to move thru this world. The code present in the nerves right now is both accumulated from the past (passive code) and the present poise/ posture (active code) of the mind.
In layman’s terms, this is essentially meaning that your nerves are responsible for the way your heart beats, they way you breathe, how your whole body works together when you pick up an instrument or catch a ball with a series of learned postures and movements, firing series of pathways that we are neruo-chemically addicted to. It has been firing constantly from before you left the womb, before you took your first breath, before you even spoke. From 20 days after conception when your heart took its first beat, your nerves have been keeping up an electric song of their own. Every memory of every precious moment, or intense experience or any other moment of heightened attention, it’s all stored inside the memory hardware of your body: the nerves.
Why would they need to be “reset”?
Brilliant question. Let me answer a question with a question.
You ever leave too many apps open, or too many tabs and have to close a few so that things work a little better? Free up some hard drive so you can focus and move a little faster thru the things?
The nerves have been cultivating data, soaking it up like liquid to a sponge from before you were even born. They have much, much more data than they will ever use.
MUCH, MUCH more.
and your soul does not care about most of it.
It serves no purpose to your higher-sense being, much of it, it is just barely useful data, much of that reiterating with redundancy many things you already know, or don’t even need to know.
and some of that is heavy, traumatic, difficult experiences that make us… well they make us act nervous.
like we aren’t safe. like we can’t be confident- or like we can’t be trusting, reassured, secure.
But where else can your spirit go if not within the very body it is housed? The temple-vehicle corporeal vessel we live in may be the only “home” the spirit gets to rest in this 3d realm, or even further- it may be the only place to reach and communicate with wherever the spirit is actually located.
Perhaps the internet is much like the spirit and the phone is much like the body. The Internet does not exist IN the phone, but you need the phone, or some other technology to access it. You can still do things with your phone or your laptop when you have zero service, but they are limited functions, and most of them only hold relevance for when they get to reconnect to the greater World Wide Web. It is just so within our bodies. The spirit-soul does not exist at the heart, or in the brain, or in some physical location. and yet, it can communicate with the body thru the nerves, how miraculous! a common miracle, everyone here is experiencing, but a miracle no less.
So, I offer a chance to reset this thing, clear all the tabs, and fill that new space with a little more spirit and a little less backed up, unimportant data.
You know what I’m talking about. All that old story, dry, uninspired, that shit no one wants to hear about on a first date, or for the hundredth time at a family party, or 20 years later “still stuck on that?” at the school reunion. We gotta divorce not just the old data, but the style in which we lived that let us even waste time on opening that tab. All the distractions of the past 20, 30, etc years that came before, let alone the distractions of today. Wouldn’t it be nice to stop carrying that crap? We all try… music, therapy, travel, just buying new shit to make us feel better. but somehow, even after all those things, it still comes back. *le sigh* it must just be something I am stuck with.
NO. We have been built not only to learn but also to unlearn. If you just follow the sequence, you can wring out the whole sponge. Unwind that nervous tension that has been getting to ya all these years.

Every Nerve In the Body huh?
This is not a basic massage, not for your average Joe. There is much more going on here. This is an intensive turning inwards designed and orchestrated for those willing and ready for nothing less than total transformation of their mind, body, and the balance that brings them together. This is a rekindling of one’s personal power. This is the tipping point actualization where dreams reach a critical mass that brings them into being. This is where healing happens at such a high level that many difficulties of the past are dealt with in finality and never need be brought up again. If you’ve been looking for that power up to get over the hump and enter a new chapter in your life,
this is it.

You can see here, the two pathways, for basically the back/ posterior portion of our bodies, and then there is another pathway for the front/ anterior portion. We don’t have to like for example, wiggle every single tooth to get every dental nerve, they are accessible thru the jaw. We do not have to do any actual work on the genitals themselves to clear their nerves. The sex organs share their nerves with the remainder of the sacral/ sciatic nerves, and we can work on those at the spine and at other non-invasive points in the hips. But essentially this is the pathway that we follow, from the base of the spine, to the voice. The nervous system itself does not mirror the order of the chakras for example which go from root to crown, the hardware seems to be wired from sacral to vocal, an order which has many implications for another article, it should be a book at this point.
We clear each nerve one at a time thru assisted stretching, and then in further dynamic movements that overcome the pressure point. This is how we use our own internal power and focus to overcome blocks in our nervous system, which we simulate in a safe setting after meeting many protocols to warm up and then we send it, clearing one by one from the spine to the tips of each nerve branch until the entire body has been swept thru to completion.
And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for: This is how your body sees itself:

Well, that guy looks like he needs… something! And it is just so, how our nerves need a little help to clear and align their information more accurately thru the above sort of apparatus! All we know about the world has been filtered thru one of these things: your bodies own self image… How our minds are able to translate this sort of thing into something that accurately gives real time feedback as we move thru 3d space, as we really are, we have to constantly humble ourselves… our hands are not as massive as we think. Our sensitivities, might be much more invisible to the world than they are to our inner selves. now it makes sense why a little hang nail can be as annoying as a broken leg! it’s all about perspective.
A lesson in Confidence: you look much better than you think you do ;D
Okay back to the more serious and scientific aspects to reseting our nervous system!!
How will a Total Nerve Reset Improve my Health?
For many of us, our days are filled with physical, emotional, and mental stress. That stress is damaging our bodies, which are capable of self-healing, but when the amount of stress outpaces our body’s ability to recover, we need some additional assistance to remove toxins and other harmful byproducts of modern life. Our unique sequence of bodywork is designed to release those toxins… which are ultimately all rooted in some form of misalignment: a distance from our soul-embodiment held together by conflicting beliefs, physical toxin chemicals that have neurological effects and a systematic postural alignment effecting the pressure systems in our body on interconnected fundamental levels of cellular osmosis, muscoloskeletal patterns, and in our organs. A mental understanding of these things is not necessary to experience the benefits of this work, but for those interested in the strategic rhetoric of our healing system, please continue to read thru the FAQ&A below. For those who “get it” and simply feel a “yes!” to this offering, please skip ahead to watch some videos or go directly to book a call with myself or someone on our team here:
So… What exactly is this?
A full system reset. Depending on the needs of the individual, there may be 1-6 months of detox required to prepare the way. This detox is done via diet, exercise, regular time in the sauna/ sweat lodge, genetically custom supplementation, self-hypnosis to uncover the emotions buried alive in your psyche, and colon hydrotherapy to detox the physical toxins in the body. After all of this pre-requisite work is accomplished, the body will be primed and ready for a full 2 days of body work which covers every acupuncture point (without needles) and clears every nerve from head to toe. All of this body work is completed on a sound table which vibrates every system in the body to very specially made high quality, deeply harmonic, natural frequency based music. By the end of a body work retreat, every nerve in the body will be “reset”.
The nerves are the master of function in our body, and the nervous system is the seat of our soul in our bodies. Our souls have an innate intelligence to interface with the body through the nervous system network… and an electrochemical ability to change our DNA, to activate epigenetic markers, to rewire neurons, to rewire memory and much, much more. We can change our body type, become a better athlete, gain muscle, lose fat, upgrade our posture, skin tone, eyesight, coordination, memory, and become smarter.
We can grow in a myriad of ways… and while the actual, detailed happening is quite complex operating with so many trillions of cells through this body network, the miracle is that we don’t really need to understand all of it to get the healing that we need… We just need to experience. We can clear the near-chemical trauma, but once something is experienced, it is always with us. So we just need to experience moving through the process.
Just like for a plant to grow, it simply needs the nutrients, water, sunlight and space to grow: We only need to provide the nutrients the body needs, and facilitate a healing space for the body to detox and recover. Once reset, the body automatically clears conflicting beliefs, keeps toxins out and good stuff in, and adopts the patterns of posture and belief that are the foundation of living a life that agrees with the truths of your soul. Once you’ve gone through the intensity of this work and won your well fought space of clarity, you won’t give it up easily. The body remembers, and the unconscious self will align in countless ways to support your soul-embodiment and transcendence of traumatic, fear and pain based beliefs about life and self. Taking each step with Confidence.
If you’d like even more details, keep going.
Where did this modality come from?
Originally from the heartland of martial arts, the Shaolin temples of the Henan Province, China. Two totally separate lineages from the same nerve-focused energy-point style brought thru two completely different men, both circle back towards the roots of Kung Fu. Kung Fu is the oldest and largest martial art known to man with thousands of years of recorded history and practice… I have pulled from all my studies to make this as great as I possibly can, but really for me personally it began when I started training with Rocco.
Part 1: Rocco & The Fighting Style
I met him at the state fair in Puyallup Washington. I happened to be on a break from my first job ever working in fast food in this once farm town I grew up in. He was minding his own business, wearing a Vietnam Vet hat, and some teenagers were making fun of him… Saying how dumb it was that he went to war and how pointless it all was. He responded “You need to learn to respect your elders. I had no choice to go, it was a draft, all my brothers went and were killed. What was I supposed to do?”
These highschool-college aged kids continued to make fun of him, and he continued to stand up for himself until it came down to violence. I know we all have opinions about physical altercations, let’s just say that there are times when violence is necessary. Within 90 seconds he had knocked out all 5 of these teenagers, a man in his 70’s… didn’t seem like he even broke a sweat, never even had to adjust his hat. Something about not “loosing his crown” stuck with me… showed a sense of awareness and presence, a physical coordination and health into old age that transcended EVERYTHING I had ever seen or imagined up to that point… This grandpa was more bad ass than Bruce Lee. I had to learn from this guy.
I ran up and asked him to teach me, said I would do anything to learn, and he said something like “No way kid, I gotta get out of here!!” He ran off in a poise I have never seen anyone run before, like every step caught itself instead of slapped or slammed the ground. He moved silently, zoomed through the crowds and disappeared.
Months went by, I worked overtime hours for minimum wage and wondered if I would ever see him again.
One day at the gym I went to some 45 minutes away, I saw him in the sauna, telling war stories. He didn’t recognize me, so I did my best to build up to it and ensure the success of my asking this time, finding out about where he learned these martial arts different from anything I’d ever seen on TV or otherwise… Mind you I had never spent very long in the sauna before this day, but I stayed in there more than an hour listening to him talk with the guys in the sauna about what sort of training he got, where this fighting style came from. I leaned in when the time came, doubled down about what specifically he trained, what for, how long, where, etc. He answered questions with a curious eye, wondering what I was getting at, where this was going. But I waited for my moment and when it was as built up to as it could be I asked him again, if he would teach me the strange martial arts he knew.
He hesitated, then said “Be out front tomorrow morning 8 o’clock sharp. Don’t be late, you’ll never get the chance again.”
After an hour plus new PR in the sauna, I was about to pass out. The whole experience felt distant, like a dream I was fighting to stay lucid in, like if I just rolled over or opened my eyes a little it would all fade too fast to remember what any of it was about. I shook his hand and said I’d be there, turned the corner and took a cold shower longer than I’d ever taken one before, I was cooked inside.
Sure enough I was up before the sun, pacing the front by 7:45. felt like hours before he pulled up in his White Jeep.
We drove for about an hour deep into some off-road 4×4 trails near the Green River, and parked at a quarry area where a cliff was mined for gravel and large rocks bigger than my head went up the side of this cliff face to the top. He said “Just take your shoes off, empty your pockets. Don’t let an old man beat you to the top.” I grabbed my water bottle and he motioned to leave that too, said “Just have a sip. Don’t drink a lot at once, it’ll slow you down.” I thought that was kinda strange, but it stuck with me.

Despite my best efforts, this barefoot old man beat me all the way up this more vertical than horizontal rock pile to the top of the cliff. Then he said “Well, it was close enough… don’t let me beat you back down.” and sure enough he did. He tested me a few more times before making a decision. I remember how he looked at me, really more on the fence than I would like to see if I’m being totally honest LOL but he said “Well kid you’re a little uncoordinated, but you got heart.” We spent a few hours training there, climbing and running and coming to a full stop without dislodging the rocks, til the sun went down and my feet were bloody.
“Don’t change your pace. Don’t carry yourself like you’re weak, even if your feet bleed… train yourself to be strong. Feel the pain, acknowledge it, but don’t let it change you.” I never forgot that line, the way he said it… the way he looked at me, like my life- no, like my soul depended on it. With his military background, I could feel the way he had trained many men to push their nervous systems to the point that they would over ride the bodies pull towards safety, still fight with their best form even when the numbing call of death was close… trained to still run with glass in your feet, trained to hold the grip even when your heart was giving its last beat. I have never met another human being with that sort of grit. I’d recognize it instantly. Rocco was a different breed.
Much more happened that day but it’s not for me to share here.
We proceeded to train, finger tip push ups, rock climbing, etc. until I became strong enough to fight with a certain finger technique, and then he had me study the nervous system, feel it in my own body, pluck the nerves and get that electric sensation.
Towards the end of our time together, some 6 months after we met, he taught me how to paralyze someone, how to break the nerve, how to do so permanently or temporarily, and how to reverse this if it is done temporarily. The permanent kind needs surgery, and still may not me reparable. This gave me the energy-point awareness that I used in the whole body sequence I later learned from another teacher. He said to do my best never to use this unless I had to, and if I had to, to do it without fear or hesitation.
Then something happened with his daughter and he moved to Chicago, changed his phone number and we lost touch.
Part 2: Neuro-Muscular Release & The Healing Style
I continued my martial arts training, studying with more common styles of Kung Fu, kickboxing, Muy Thai, Brazilian Jui Jitsu and Capoeira, etc. I continued to grow but never found anything like my first sensei, nothing was even remotely “on that level”. I worked with retired UFC fighters, I did PT with ex-Special Forces and private mercenaries, I trained in a local militia and practiced whatever warrior lifestyle was available to me… But the specific knowledge was always on the back of my mind, like a story I wanted to tell but hadn’t reached the tip of my tongue or fully formed in my imagination… So it grew there and never left my mouth.
I got sick after visiting Mexico, my first time that far south and the tropics had a different energy. I swam in caves and snorkeled around the jungle, climbed through old ruins and pyramid temples that seemed frozen in time and and I realized for the first time that America was missing a lot of things… that there were unanswered bits of our history and missing chapters in the advanced civilizations that came before us.
Anyways, the doctor gave me some gnarly antibiotics, ciprofloxacin or “cipro”, and after this I had the lovely side effect of tearing muscles and tendons, for 7 years afterwards. 52 tears later… I had a horrible limp, could barely lift my left leg, I had dislocated my hips and shoulders, severely damaged my wrists from over training my hands, my right and left were far from symmetrical, I had incredible strain on my internal organs, my spine, my hips and knees from leaning to my strong side so much, liver damage from these brutal antibiotics, hormonal issues from the chronic stress and pain. I found out years later I even broke my back during this time and didn’t know because I was in so much daily pain that a broken back on top of it wasn’t significant enough to even notice it. 10/10 pain is 10/10, there is no 11/10 or beyond… I had to dig deep and rely on my training with Rocco to function in such pain. I had no idea then that that training may have saved my life purely thru the mental+ emotional toughness it gave me to not quit when it hurt.
I ended up doing physical therapy every day for 5+ years afterwards just to maintain functionality. I learned a very important lesson there: That sometimes, incremental progress can get in the way of massive transformation. There is a different rhetoric to “one step at a time” and skipping an entire paradigm to land in a better one… and I really ate up years of my life, too injured to run, dance, make love or even walk and do the dishes without breaking something. And every time something did break I couldn’t tell if it was just the world or if it was me that was such a mess. I was a much smaller version of myself… like a shadow of who I knew I was, of who I used to be, or who I knew I could be… But like that story in the back of my mind, I didn’t know how to articulate all this. I didn’t have any examples or even a framework to go off of… I just knew in my heart, I believed that radical transformation was possible.
Almost 10 years after I met Rocco, I ran into a group of people who teach a body work that was based on the same martial arts… the energy-point awareness and the nervous system + acupuncture points. It held similar techniques and philosophies. I went through a detox and nutrition protocol, received the body work and it healed numerous things for me, I felt light and an incredible flow state in my body. I could do one arm push ups and one legged “dragon” or “pistol” squats with ease immediately off the table, even on my injured side. Just like when I began the fighting style of martial arts, I asked immediately, said I would do anything to learn and the man who taught me said no, he won’t teach it. I tried many times over several years, flew across the country every chance I could to receive another treatment, to ask for training, to be taught… and one day something changed and opened up in my second sensei and I was able to be his first student.
I committed myself to learn the healing form just the same way I learned the fighting form. Apparently this modality was handed down from Shaolin monks to two doctors traveling though Asia and they brought it back to the states. At the time I write this, less than 30 people have been trained through these two men, who have since passed away and are no longer with us. One day I would love to travel thru China and the surrounding areas with similar study to bring these things full circle in greater depth when I return to the English speaking world.
I have taken everything from these trainings, from other modalities I’ve studied, added modern technology to assist in the process, added the most advanced detox protocols of our time and genetically customized nutrition supplements to support the body in going thru all of this. I’ve really done my best to make this treatment the best in the world. I’ve been incredibly blessed to be where I am today, with the teachers and the experiences I have had, with the technologies available to only a lucky few of us, it must be blessings from the gods. Too much synchronicity and interconnectedness to be anything less. It isn’t just a job for me, this is a lifestyle of service from my soul to the world as directly as I can muster it. It has been a combination of hard work, discipline, perseverance and luck to even be able to offer what I can offer in terms of transformational healing. There is nothing else like it available today.
How does the reset take place?
Simply thru specific touch over a specific sequence of points, the natural resonance of the nervous system reverberates thru each connected nerve branch with a measurable and viscerally felt effect. This electric sensation bypasses the thinking mind and is deeply felt by the internal systems of the body… the inner workings of you. More Simply: It’s like when you hit your “funny bone” and feel that electric shock- it is the nervous system reverberating natural electricity through itself: It is a sensation of the innate bioelectricity already flowing through you- an opportunity in the moment to feel what power is always there, always flowing through you.
The nervous system itself is electro-chemical- and a chemical “residue” accumulates in the nerves and tissues, the nerves being the housing for this chemical substrate that allows for electrical communication. The reverberation of the natural electricity is a sort of “wake up call” to bring the nerves into a deeper resonance with themselves.
Imagine, someone dealing with depression, numb in their body, dislocated from the innate feeling sense of the joy of living. Things that could make them happy, the sound of a bird or the smile on a friends face, they are not felt… they are ignored, swept under the rug by the overwhelming depression they are dealing with.
Or someone with anxiety on the other hand, has so many fears and feelings filling up their nervous system that they have no room to focus. They are so distracted and overwhelmed by the sensory information in their awareness, that the personality inhabiting the body is also dislocated from its true center…
Without a doubt, we have all experienced truly centered moments in our lives, where in our memory we can go back to every detail, the experience was so rich with affirming sensory data, that a large portion of soul presence came into our bodies in that moment and gave us the grace to wholly soak in the experience of that moment… to remember much more than we normally do in the average moment-memory we save into long term data storage in the nervous system. In those beautiful moments, the validation, the reflection, the density of presence we experienced then translates into memory that becomes a baseline part of the electrochemical song of our life in this body. This richly complex electrochemical data can be understood by the body and guided by the soul… and despite the vast technological advancements of our modern era, this is eons ahead of what science can fully explain today.
Just as we have these beautiful moments recorded in our bodies, informing our nervous system of reality, and locating our personality, anchoring us in space-time in the body, we also have traumatic memory that can dislocate us from our core presence…
These traumatic memories may be blocked from conscious memory or they can be playing out like a broken record, they can be like depression or anxiety or too many tabs open- numbing our true focus, blocking the core presence, and occupying the space we have to experience life in its fullness. Let’s be honest here, life can be hard, we all have a “cross to bear” and none of us want to be carrying around the heavy burdens of our past, none of us want to be seen as that broken and collapsed person, dislocated from the core of who we really are. None of us want to trudge through life with less than the full soul presence we all seek to keep. The good news is, we can reset our nervous system from being trauma informed to being aware in a greater sense: That is what this body work provides.
The chemical residue of trauma is in some sense always going to be there… we cannot “erase” the bad things that have happened to us… but we can orient ourselves appropriately in a way that acknowledges and honors our struggles, without being focused on the difficulty in a way that leads to imbalance and self-conflicting paralysis of the personality.
We are always cultivating memory, the body is in fact the most sophisticated recording device that we know of, the most advanced technology on the planet today… much more so than any AI that we know of.
What may objectively seem like a harmless accumulation of memory, is effecting the building blocks of our being, altering the commands going out to the muscles and of sensations coming into the nerves from the skin/ other senses. There is plenty of research on epigenetic factors contributing to gene expression- and this body work is our tool to reset to the higher gene expression version of ourselves.
Trauma leaves a really strong neuro-chemical residue in the nerves, and it impedes the natural electricity flowing through… cortisol is, for example, a heavier chemical with more electrical resistance than other neurotransmitters. This heaviness limits the flow of electricity in the nerves, weather that be from the brain to the body, from the body to the brain, etc. Traumatic moments create trauma-informed chemicals and being “heavier” it requires the electric intelligence in your body to use greater force to reach through the trauma lens… thus literally sucking up more calories to do the simple things we need to do. This electrical impedance is the invisible object that we do battle with when we face things like PTSD, depression, anxiety, etc. This body work is how we clear that weight from our system and make it easy for every nerve to hear the spirit, the song in our hearts and anchor best alignment for your spirit to hear every nerve in your body.
Almost every single person alive today is spending hundreds of calories a day to maintain a trauma-chemical-emotionally draining loop that they don’t even want to be in. I’d like to change that as much as I can.
Our goal with this work is to remove as much trauma-informed nervous system residue- to remove as much of the heavy resistance as possible between your spirit and your body.
The base philosophy is just that: Spirit itself is what is electro-chemically animating your nervous system.
When you are dead, we can shock your body and your muscles will move, your memories will flow thru your flesh… if you were a musician and played an instrument, your body will move through the chord patterns and scales you played… if you were a writer, an artist, a painter, your hands will move like you are holding the brush or the pen. We have sci-fi stories about replication by technology, downloading our brain’s circuitry into an artificial likeness… but where is the life in it? Where are YOU?
We all have memories- moments in your life that feel like they just happened yesterday. When you reflect on them it is like you are still THERE, you can remember the wind in their hair, the feeling across your skin, the way your muscles gripped your body and your heart pounded, the subtle twitches of that smile, the curl of their lips, the crows feet crinkling in their eyes, it is crystal clear. So much of YOU was present in that moment, that the memory was totally absorbed into the body… your spirit still holds it, your body still holds it. Even through we are here, in a different moment right now: you are there. You are still there holding that memory.
Ultimately, it is stress that ages us, difficulty with the spirit interfacing with the body… By removing the impedances, the stress chemicals, we are making it easy to house the spirit in this vessel, creating more distance from trauma- making more space for soul felt clarity, to make decisions, to feel the joys of every day, to hear the birds singing and to stop and smell the flowers. We are making sure trauma is NOT the main informant in the stage of your mind, in the feeling-senses in circulation. It is my hope and my experience that more of your soul will be present, more things in your life will just flow, and what a gift, as this is ultimately what we all want to feel.
After treatment there are 8-10 days where the body won’t record trauma, where things will just flow effortlessly and things will open up naturally for you. By the body not recording trauma I mean that you may stub your toe, and it will hurt for a moment, but you will not hold onto the pain, you won’t limp. You will not carry yourself with any trauma-informed injury posture. You won’t lose your core presence and become disjointed from your center. The uncentered postures of pain and trauma won’t make it into the fascial layers and condition your body/ vessel. The trauma won’t flow into the nervous system. Pain will of course still be felt if you experience something that should hurt, but it won’t stick to you. This is a very magic window- and I highly recommend using this time to dive deep into yourself, your calling, the dreams in your heart. Magic seems to happen at an accelerated pace for every single person who has experienced the full nervous system reset. Anecdotal evidence in the video reviews below:
Each treatment clears a layer. Ideally a person can get 3 treatments and clear everything- anything beyond 3 treatments clears collective things thru morphic resonance and any traumas and pains/ sub-optimal patterns and postures that you might have acquired since your last treatment. Hopefully no major traumas happen in your future, but for example after a car accident, it would be advised to get another treatment to clear that trauma-informed posture from your vessel and to clear the way for spirit to interface with the world inner and outer. The initial 3 layers are: 1. Personal, 2. Tribal/Family lines/ close friendships and conditioning we have received from the people around us, and 3. Collective conditioning that has been pushed on the whole of humanity. For those who choose to have additional treatments, they are 10% off of the base price, as it is easier on both of us after clearing the baseline resistance. After clearing the first layer, the body can move through the whole process much more smoothly.
If you have any questions of course feel free to reach out and chat with me! Set up a free discovery call and let’s take the next step together. Thanks for your time, and as always, stay blessed out there.